FillSolver Demo

FillSolver is an Android Application that solves puzzles generated by the game Fill One-Line Puzzle Game. It is a game where you have to fill in all the squares on the gameboard with a single, non-overlapping path. This project started off as a result of a friendly competition between my girlfriend and I to see who can solve more puzzles. As I was playing, I remembered a previous project I had done where I created a solver for the word game Boggle using recursive backtracking. Fill and Boggle share a lot of commonalities because they both have a grid as the gameboard and both games' solutions consist of contiguous grid cells lining up together. Initially, I created a command line program for FillSolver that used the same algoritihm as Boggle. However, the interface was very clunky and involved the user punching in a bunch of grid coordinates to reproduce the gameboard. In college after I learned Android, I was able to go back to this project to create an Android application for it, allowing for a much better user experience.

Home Icon

This project was a group effort created for Yale Hacks 2020. Our goal is to create a social media app to help college students check up on each other at a glance and to provide a shared, personal space where honesty and vulnerability is not only welcomed, but encouraged. For the project, we used Java to do Android programming. We used the Android Studios IDE to help us code as well as get an emulator that can run our code. We used FirebaseUI for the user authentication, Firebase realtime database for storing user data, and Firebase Storage for storing profile pictures.

Cruise Price Checker Image

This project is a python script that checks the price of a Royal Carribean Cruise that I wanted to go on and will email me whenever the price dips below a certain price. At the time, I had wanted to learn some Python so I decided to write this script using Python, taking advantage of the Beautiful Soup library to scrape the cruise price from their website.